After the old forum software breaking in a way that we were unable to fix, we've migrated the site to a new platform.
Some elements aren't working as we'd hoped - some avatars didn't survive the transition, and we're still having issues with attachments that weren't added as inline images, but we're hoping to have that all sorted out soon.
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A place to say hello, introduce yourself and your equipment. Beginners questions answered.
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General comments, questions or opinions about coffee
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Meetings, barista jams & other social get togethers.
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Fun stuff + Anything not specifically related to Coffee
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Questions, issues, which one to buy. Mainly about Domestic espresso machines but some good information on commercial ones too.
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Manual equipment Plunger, Drip, Siphon, Aeropress, Ibrik or ..... then it belongs here. Any gear used to make coffee except espresso.
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Having a problem getting a good coffee, Tips and techniques from Tamping to steaming to brew ratios and temperature and a lot more.
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Many would say your grinder is your most important coffee tool.
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Projects, Rebuilds or Modifications on your coffee equipment that deserves to be separated from the usual sections.
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Jugs, Tampers, Brushes, Cloths, Scales and other coffee-making essentials.
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Australia's destination spots for incredible espresso! Review your favourite cafe, tell us about your new finds.
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Industry issues or stuff that happens in the overseas, shop / cafe etc.
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Barista issues, WBC champs & other Barista competitions
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Many people are roasting at home these days. and here is the place to talk about your experiences.
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How to best get started and improve your technique, working with the different roasters, profiles, usage tips etc.
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The place to chat about the different equipment used to roast. Home, Commercial, Home made, mods etc.
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Where do you get your Greens from, how to grow/process your own and any thing else about Green beans.
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Beans or Blends you like and how they taste. Your own roasts or commercial lets chat about the notes.
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For members only not companies. Buy, Swap, Trade give away but Caveat Emptor applies.
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Cafes or Coffee related businesses can list Barista, Roaster type positions here.