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Some elements aren't working as we'd hoped - some avatars didn't survive the transition, and we're still having issues with attachments that weren't added as inline images, but we're hoping to have that all sorted out soon.

Vietnamese Drip

Daughter brought one of these back from Vietnam for me. Quite effective, although takes a while to drip through.


  • Nice pressie.  Do how does it work?
  • Single cup drip. Filter bottom in the stainless cup, pour coffee in, the filter on the right screws onto a post inside to hold coffee in place, pour in water etc, starts to drip through. Lid to keep it warm, and also drip speeds up after you remove it. Quite a rough grind (plunger style), as filter holes not that fine. It's how she was given her coffee in a Vietnamese coffee shop. As mentioned takes quite a while to drip through, so no good if you are in a hurry. Graham
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