After the old forum software breaking in a way that we were unable to fix, we've migrated the site to a new platform.
Some elements aren't working as we'd hoped - some avatars didn't survive the transition, and we're still having issues with attachments that weren't added as inline images, but we're hoping to have that all sorted out soon.
Hi guys,
for the last 6 weeks Ive really been enjoying a Harrar Mocha from The Coffee Co (Balaclava VIC). I think they've got it blended pretty well.
Ive been having my morning coffee as a latte (double shot) as well as enjoying many blacks throughout the rest of the day.
Ive got it dialled in so I extract around 30ml in 27 seconds (including the auto perfusion from my HX), 18 grams weighed after grind, and 36 fluid grams after extraction.
Full bodied, with decent cream, sweet, and its been the "house" blend and will continue to be for the next couple weeks. Then I'll switch it for an Ipanema espresso blend that I also tried from the same guys and its pretty awesome too.
I keep to my darker roasts, I'm not a 3rd wave guy even though I've tried some of the lighter blends and some SO's but I like to drink coffee and not fruit juice