(I mean coffee of course)
I'm finding perhaps that purging a few grounds out before the second cup is important... especially if there's a bit of a delay between drinks.
After every whole session I'd always grind through all the dregs, and sweep out the chute entirely (grind, sweep, grind, sweep), ready for the next day.
The first coffee of the day is always amazing, the second has seemed to be hit and miss... the second drink is usually a latte, and strangely it never seems on par with the first drink (doppio or long black).
So today I decided to do the latte first up this morning, and... wowza it tasted amazing.
Nothing in technique changes from coffee to coffee, but there was always something out about the second drink! And it's sometimes 10-30minutes before the second, and even though I sweep out a few grinds from the chute in the first drink dose, it's led me to think that ground coffee oxidises much faster than I originally thought...
I've tried relaxing my routine a bit more of late, and not fully purging in between drinks, but perhaps it's an idea...
Anyway, that was a bit scrambled and longwinded hehe, but I was wondering what your experience was guys? If there's a bit of time delay between first and second drink, do you make sure it's all freshly ground coffee, or do you not notice a difference if there's some slightly old grounds getting in?
When I did cafe work if there was a delay in customers, we'd always purge a few seconds and discard those old grounds. But if it was drink after drink we'd obviously not need to.
Obviously every grinder is different and retains different amounts, but I'm curious whether just a few (1-2 grams) of say 10-30minute ground coffee will make that difference (as I may be finding...)
Thanks guys
Just wondering if you also purge your group head between extractions? After every coffee made I always reinsert the portafilter and run some water through through group, creating and then breaking tension by jiggling the handle back and forth - this both helps to keepy spouts and baskets clean, as well as back-flushing some water through the group and shower screen to remove stagnant water and stale grind. And I never have problems with my second coffee unless dose, tamp, and grind need adjusting!