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BES920 Purchased - EM7000 Retired - Initial Observations

Well it's been 5 1/2 Years with the Sunbeam EM7000 (13 1/2 Years with the Sunbeam Cafe series starting with the EM6900) but a new era is upon me.
After dipping the toe in the water with a Breville Smart Grinder for Christmas, the transition is complete and I now have a Breville BES920.

Initial observations :
    [li]Slightly bulkier than the EM7000[/li] [li]Scared the crap out of me when I first powered it up...very, very noisy...but this appeared to be on initial startup only (thankfully)[/li] [li]Noise on Espresso pour about the same as the Sunbeams[/li] [li]Love the simple method of unlocking the base so it can be slid in and out of position[/li] [li]Love the fact you can refill the water reservoir from the top flap at the front (Sunbeams were from the back)[/li] [li]Dislike the small rubber tab on the Steam Wand...burnt my fingers three times before I decided to take greater care (EM6900/EM6910 were also small Tabs...but EM7000 has a larger tab)[/li]
Funnily enough, I originally complained about the long rubber tube of the EM7000...go figure.
    [li]Would prefer the Steam Wand on the left like the Sunbeams (right hand to hold the milk jug)[/li] [li]Love the quietness of the Steam Wand (no pulsating like the Sunbeams did)[/li] [li]Missing the Milk temperature guage that the Sunbeam had[/li]

Now we wait and see about reliability.


  • Had it for a couple of weeks now : * Still loving the quiet steam wand * Still loving the water fill-up spot at 'Front' of machine Have been struggling to find the right Dose and Tamp for single shots.  Found the provided single basket to be counter productive to the required dose due to the heavily sloping sides of the basket.  The Tamper appears to hit the sides of the basket before you hit the coffee grinds (this machine does not use the "leave a 5cent piece thickness at the top of the basket" as is often recommended in the Sunbeam Cafe Series machines).  In fairness, the supplied Sunbeam basket didn't appear to allow enough grinds either. As such, I have started using the after market basket that I was also using on the Sunbeam.
  • For single basket issues I have found a workaround I use a double basket but use single dose amount in ground coffee Or at least 1/2 and up to 3/4 of the double basket To overcome a fast shot I also grind the coffee finer Seams to work for me Also happy you are pleased with the new machine  :thumb: KK
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