After the old forum software breaking in a way that we were unable to fix, we've migrated the site to a new platform.
Some elements aren't working as we'd hoped - some avatars didn't survive the transition, and we're still having issues with attachments that weren't added as inline images, but we're hoping to have that all sorted out soon.
Latte Art Smack down - BRISBANE
Friday, October 19, 2012 6:00pm
1st prize $450 silver chef
2nd prize $200 barista kit QCMS
3rd prize $100 Espresso components
Jean-Paul Sutton (3 Times National Finalist)
Matt Troughton (Qld Barista Champian 2012)
Josh Russell (Smackdown Winner)
email jia @ venezianocoffee . com . au
to enter $2 entry fee
Bar and BBQ
[color=rgb(59, 89, 152)]
369 Montague, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4101
[color=rgb(59, 89, 152)]
View Map[/color]