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What Coffee are you roasting this week

New Thread to record your home or work related coffee roasts

Today I roasted
800gr of Honduras La Central SHG
To approx 40 seconds into second crack and also did a few short videos



  • I was demonstrating the roaster on Saturday and I did 2 back to back roasts From the Koffee Kosmo shop SUMATRAN MANDHELING BLUE 500 grams X 2 times And was given to the interested parties as a gift to sample at home KK
  • Today I roasted up some Cuba Turquino to a light roast for filter on my newly modified KKTO (with new double sided agitator arm and new insulation) - and I was very impressed with the even nature of the roast and the fact that I managed to shave around ten minutes off my usual roast time Wouldn't mind getting a thermocouple though to monitor the temperature of the roast as the turbo oven appears to 'stall' mid roast - but thus could just be my imagination - which is why temperature monitoring could be good to observe what is actually going on Still, can't complain about the results as the coffee came up a treat and drank like a dream in my clever coffee dripper: 35g of coffee to 300ml of water steeped for four minutes - now that's what I'm talking about!
  • Just finished 2 roasts 625 grams of Peru Ceja de Salva Estate as a KKTO demo and gifted 800 grams of PNG Kinjibi AA KK
  • impromptu blend of columbian peaberry and ethiopian yirgacheffe - smells  delicious cant wait to taste it!
  • The Cricket is going belly up and I thought it was a good time for a roast Had some small amounts of beans so decided to do a combo roast 300 Grams of PNG Kinjibi AA 300 Grams of Brazil Alterosa RFA 280 Grams of Peru  Ceja de Selva Estate Total roast weight = 880 grams All beans were physically different and also processed differently so they needed special approach With my trusty KKTO I did a 3 minute stabilisation roast just to get a level playing field for all the beans Then I just roasted them as per normal 1st crack was at 11 min 30 sec but I did observe 3 separate crack periods 30 to 40 seconds apart  2nd crack was 7 min later at the first sounds of pops and dumped to cool Roast colour is beautiful and even across all the beans The wife said she wanted caramel tasting beans I hope this mixed bean roast will produce what she requested KK
  • on 1293345948:
    The Cricket is going belly up and I thought it was a good time for a roast Had some small amounts of beans so decided to do a combo roast 300 Grams of PNG Kinjibi AA 300 Grams of Brazil Alterosa RFA 280 Grams of Peru  Ceja de Selva Estate Total roast weight = 880 grams All beans were physically different and also processed differently so they needed special approach With my trusty KKTO I did a 3 minute stabilisation roast just to get a level playing field for all the beans Then I just roasted them as per normal 1st crack was at 11 min 30 sec but I did observe 3 separate crack periods 30 to 40 seconds apart  2nd crack was 7 min later at the first sounds of pops and dumped to cool Roast colour is beautiful and even across all the beans The wife said she wanted caramel tasting beans I hope this mixed bean roast will produce what she requested KK
    Sound good i cranked out 1.2nd of Venezuela San Christobel in the KKTO just before we left on our month long road trip which is my largest ever roast on this device and prob marginally over capacity for the machine - but still a lovely even roast which I've been enjoying both as stiff top and plunger abs hrs drinking beautifully six days post roast and it's only going to get better!
  • On Sunday I celebrated my 29th wedding anniversary by visiting a nice restaurant and a home roast upon my return back home Started on my last 5 KG of Gambala Naturals and roasted an 800 gram batch of Ethiopian Gambala Naturals on the KKTO KK
  • Roasted 625 grams of Yirg this evening, FC @ 200C 14 mins, stopped @ SC 230C 19 mins. Looks good, nice even dark roast, taste test on Wed next week. :) 
  • Malawi Mzuzu Khanga Gesha.  Big hit of mandarin.  Well suited to milk-based/drip/syphon.
  • I roasted a mixed and improvised an Afro/PNG mix on the KKTO 600 grams of PNG Kinjibi 300 grams of  Ethiopian Gambala Naturals Gave about 200grams to the surgeon to do a good operation on me It turns out that an acquaintance in the medical field has a KKTO Small world ? KK
  • on 1296821331:
    It turns out that an acquaintance in the medical field has a KKTO Small world ? KK
    No wonder - its a precision instrument - hahahaha!
  • Roasted up a batch of Sulawesi Ranti Kapua Torajah during the week and ran it through the Clever Coffee Dripper as a filter coffee, for my work - on the weekend Aromas of figs and almonds which follow through on a roast capsicum and nutmeg infused palate ! By far one of the best filter coffees I have tried
  • on 1297038647:
    on 1296821331:
    It turns out that an acquaintance in the medical field has a KKTO Small world ? KK
    No wonder - its a precision instrument - hahahaha!
    I wont point out who it is for privacy reasons but the KKTO owner has left a testimonial on the Koffee Kosmo Roaster site
    on 1297038943:
    Roasted up a batch of Sulawesi Ranti Kapua Torajah during the week and ran it through the Clever Coffee Dripper as a filter coffee, for my work - on the weekend Aromas of figs and almonds which follow through on a roast capsicum and nutmeg infused palate ! By far one of the best filter coffees I have tried
    Now that sounds wonderful I am imagining a lighter roast for drip ?? What level of roast did you take it pat KK
  • took it to first snap of second crack in hindsight I'd like to take it a little darker but there was nothing wrong with the flavour!
  • I have just completed a lovely roast on the KKTO 800 grams of Brazil Alterosa RFA Pulled at first snaps of second crack KK
  • I'm onto the Mexican Yeni Navan Typica - roasts up a treat!
  • First time I have roasted this bean Roasted to 20 seconds into second crack then dumped to quickly cool 700gr of Sulawesi Toarco Jaya Triple Picked KK
  • So how did it go AM - how do you rate the hot top compared to the kkto in terms if performance and outcomes?
  • Good luck with that I'm still Playing around with the insulation on my kkto...
  • Roasted recently on the KKTO 700 grams - Peru Ceja de Selva Estate - Organic One of my favourite coffees since last year Also did 2 KKTO demonstration roasts and the crowd was impressed They were - Rwanda Gisenyi, &  Nepal snow washed pea berry This roaster is so easy to use, even if I say so myself KK
  • Just roasted up some Sulawesi Toraja Utara 600g on the KKTO, last lot went pretty quick so can't wait till this settles. Echo your comments on ease of use KK I love the reliability of the thing, congratulations. Brett
  • I was asked to roast from 50 kg bag of African beans to see if the KKTO can roast them AM can verify the description of the beans as he bagged them for me to take home They were a problematic bean for the owner Every time he would roast them he would get uneven roasts with many white un-roasted beans on completion of the roast My initial view of the beans was 1] They were ungraded with over 10 differing sizes mixed together 2] They were organic 3] I suspect that there was many farms produce in one bag So what was I to do ?? I placed 920 grams (the lot) on a plate and removed some quaker beans approx 20 or so I placed the beans in the KKTO and started with a 10 minute pre roast 65 deg C for 5 min & 125 deg C for 5 min = 10 min to stabilise or equalise the batch Zero time and start the roast I had 5 separate first cracks starting at 8.5 min to 12 min And 5 separate second cracks from 18 min to 23 min  I controlled the roast by vision and smell trying not to over-roast the earlier cracked beans by allowing some periods of low heat  and allowing the internal bean temperature to take a lead on the speed the roast was progressing On the last minute I removed the TO and left the beans agitating freely This was done for the beans to colour evenly under there own generated heat Conclusion This was a challenge of a roast but I pulled it of by not panicking and respecting the beans by allowing them to come to there crack times in there own time and not over roasting the earlier ones The roast in the end was very good with only 9 lighter 3/4 roasted beans found (not white) Now to leave them rest a little while for the taste test On Tuesday I will take a sample to the owner and present them to him for his assessment KK
  • roasted some Indian Monsoon Malabar to the first stage of second crack during the week - and I must say its one of teh most enjoyable beans I've ever roasted.  Why, because they came up a beautiful orange / red colour during the roasting process, they were evenly graded and roasted beautifully, and they came up a treat as a filter coffee only 2 days post-roast - suggesting that they will age beautifully!  Gotta get on top of this whole rotational thing by roasting at least a week in advance of proposed consumption date, as I'm putting a good deal of my home roasts through the cafe as filter coffee - and I need to have a bit more age on them - still, I'm enjoying the process of seeing how they shape up in the cup immediately post roast - and then observing the ageing process over time Cheers, Pat
  • Roasted a batch of Indian Tiger mountain a few days ago, never fails to impress me. Took it to full city +, 14 mins to FC and stopped it 5 mins later at the first signs of SC. Great as a shot with loads of gloopy crema and equally good as a cappuccino or a long black. Sadly I only have a couple of kilo's left, will certainly buy more when it shows up. ;D
  • on 1300011872:
    roasted some Indian Monsoon Malabar to the first stage of second crack during the week - and I must say its one of teh most enjoyable beans I've ever roasted.  Why, because they came up a beautiful orange / red colour during the roasting process, they were evenly graded and roasted beautifully, and they came up a treat as a filter coffee only 2 days post-roast - suggesting that they will age beautifully!   Gotta get on top of this whole rotational thing by roasting at least a week in advance of proposed consumption date, as I'm putting a good deal of my home roasts through the cafe as filter coffee - and I need to have a bit more age on them - still, I'm enjoying the process of seeing how they shape up in the cup immediately post roast - and then observing the ageing process over time Cheers, Pat
    MM is one of my favourites although there are those who are not fans of this particular SO. ???
  • well I for one love it! revisited the Venezuelan San Chrisabol today - it looked too good when I roasted it so I had to pull a few double riz's just to keep me happy! p
  • Today I roasted a Decaf on the KKTO 500 grams of  Columbian Mountain water process decaf greens KK
  • on 1301126560:
    on 1300978830:
    Today I roasted a Decaf on the KKTO 500 grams of  Columbian Mountain water process decaf greens KK
    Need to hear you feedback on teh process and teh cup.. I did my old trusted standby PNG :-)
    This is the first time I have roasted decaf and it roasted like normal beans on the KKTO Does anyone know as to how long to leave for degassing ? KK
  • I feel they degas pretty quickly and can be used within a couple of days, mind you I'm not as fussy when it comes to decaf Brett
  • on 1301134550:
    I feel they degas pretty quickly and can be used within a couple of days, mind you I'm not as fussy when it comes to decaf Brett
    Decaf 2 days post roast It does not taste any good I will leave it to degas about 5 days, like normal beans and see how it tastes then And that will be tomorrow KK
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